Friday, August 8, 2008

Movie Review: Pineapple Express

Saw Pineapple Express the other night at the AMC Century City. 11:20 pm showing opening night. Had to wait in a line. Terrific. Oddly enough, the line beside me was for a 10:35 showing of The Dark Knight. Unbelievable, that movie. Though I guess Pineapple Express got the last laugh, supposedly pulling in over $12 million just on Wednesday alone, which should give it the weekend crown now, which most expected to go back to TDK once again.

Honestly, I felt this movie was just OK - nothing too funny, but entertaining enough to keep my interested. I'm not sure Seth Rogen's humor isn't old by now. While still delivering lines incredibly well, like when he describes how he's had sex with 2.5 women, but I just feel like this is becoming recycled now. We get it, Seth Rogen isn't handsome, likes to smoke pot and occasionally pulls a chick here and there.

I think the best part of the film was the chemistry (bromance!) between Seth Rogen and James Franco, old buds from Apatow's Freaks and Geeks. It's almost tough to believe that these two characters aren't really friends at the beginning of the movie, since the two actors seem so complacent around each other. Danny McBride kills as Red, since he's given the most support throughout the film from the other characters, who set him up for great one liners/responses continuous. Great supporting role from Gary Cole and definitely a random role for Rosie Perez. I think their forced intimate scene couldn't have been any more unappealing.

I also have to give kudos to David Gordon Green for actually coming out of the woodwork and navigating a mainstream film. The cop car action sequence alone might be the biggest cinematic undertaking he's taken yet. His indie auteurism isn't really felt, which is a plus. (Hopefully a little bit of it comes back if/when he helms the Suspiria remake.)

The comedy definitely plays to the level of its intended audience (whom surrounded me 100% - I figured this out when most of the audience couldn't stop laughing at the intro screens even before the previews started). This definitely feels the part of every other Apatow comedy thus far. If you're still up for some well delivered crude humor, then you'll enjoy this; for anyone else that's getting a little tired of it - you're not alone.

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